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Missing Man Table


I call your attention to this small table which occupies a place of dignity and honor.

The table is round to show our everlasting concern for those who are no longer with us and missing from our ranks.

They are men and women who served our country, they are called prisoners of war, missing in action or killed in action.

We call them comrades' friends and family they are unable to be with us or their loved ones so, join together with me to pay a humble tribute to them, to remember!

Allow me to explain the meaning of the arrangement of this special table.

The table is set for one. It is small and symbolizes the frailty of one soldier alone against the captors.

It symbolizes the loneliness we feel without them.

The tablecloth is white, it is symbolic of the purity of their motives when answering their country's call to duty.

The candle reminds us of the light of Hope which lives in our hearts to illuminate their way home.

The single rose displayed in a vase signifies the blood they have shed to ensure the freedom of our beloved country.

The Rose also reminds us of the family and friends of our comrades who will not return.

The red ribbon tied so prominently on the vase is reminiscent of the red ribbon worn upon the lapel and breasts of thousands.

They are witness to the tragedy of those who are missing.

A slice of lemon rests on the plate to remind us of their bitter fate.

There is salt, when sprinkled on the plate it reminds us of the countless fallen teers of families and loved ones as they wait.

The wineglass is inverted they cannot toast with us again. The chair is forever empty they are not here.

Tonight we take time to recall those who were our comrades-in-arms. We depend on them for aid and support.

Let us remember them and never forget their sacrifices. Let us honor all our missing service members as we stand for a moment of silence!   


 In conclusion, The remains of almost 82,000 Americans are still missing, according to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA).

The DPAA reports that the numbers of missing soldiers from conflicts as:  

World War II 73,515 (an approximate number due to limited or conflicting data)

Korean War 7,841

Vietnam 1,626

Cold War 1266 from conflicts since 1990





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